Friday, August 05, 2005

Allah is Not a Personal God

I've been lately reading & feeling a bit on the 99 names of God.
I've also been exchanging some writings with hall and her Message from within.

& eventually I ran into this article Allah is Not a Personal God
Intresting stuff & some how it poses the Qs: Am I in the Heart of God? or God is in My Heart?. Well "Wasa~a Kurrseehe Al Samawatt We Al Ardh"..."Al Wasee" Al A~aleem"


Blogger LouLou said...

Allah is not a Personal God. More to the point Allah is not a Person.

Seems to me that when we try to personify Allah - see Him in human terms, project our own human characteristics onto Him that is when we get this illusion of a Personal God.

Always loved this from the Qura'an "Laysa kamithlihi shai'i".

2:14 PM  
Blogger haal said...

What I meant with personal, is not him as a person, and I wasnt talking about 'form'... I am talking that 'we tend to personalize, customize God'.... think he is kind, mercy, harsh, ....etc according to who we are..and how we think God is.... I see this happening in the way, for instance, when we do something considered a sin. Some people will say, 'God is indeed v. merciful. He will forgive me.' Someone else we react differently, 'praying, fasting, asking for forgiveness yet not convinced that God will forgive him. And he will not let him pass with this sin he did. becuasue Allah to him is 'Mountaqim'. THis is what I mean when i say that god is personal.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Al Sharief said...

the Questions stands : Am I in the Heart of God? or God is in My Heart?

To me it's both: God is closest to all of us "in our hearts" and neareer to our artirary vains- "Akrab min Habal Al Wareed".

God is Also is all over us: "Wasa~a Kurrseehe Al Samawatt We Al Ardh".

Yet,"Laysa kamithlihi shai'i".

7:21 PM  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Al Sharief,
I agree with your last comment. I believe so to. U stated it in the best way possible.

Allah is every where. But i would like to also add that our souls are a nafkha (a blow from his own ... cannot name it because i cannot dare not describe Him) Our souls are a gift from Him and to Him they shall return insha'Allah.

1:53 AM  
Blogger Al Sharief said...

Thanks dalulla for stopping by.

"a blow from his own ..." is an extremly important reminder.

You 've dared to come up with this via the blessings of God, with your richeousness you will be guided to continue to think about it, most likley you will not come
up with a new name but rather a new enlightend understanding using one or a combination of some of the 99 names. The process is indeed beautiful. To me that blow is nearest to "AL Hai" that give me life that is "spirtual life"

7:25 PM  

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