Sunday, October 30, 2005

Wheel of Good Luck & Fortune

Make Your Own

Friday, October 28, 2005

Three Sevens

This time inspired by haal's gesture to loulou She is almost back...

Last Seven

I say:
1. Ya Kareem.
2. Move It.
3. Why Not.
4. Done Deal.
5. Be Nice.
6. Tell me More.
7. Let me see...

Middle Seven

I can't:
1. Butterfly Swim
2. Fly.
3. Be the way I was.
4. Walk on my hand.
5. Do guru finnance.
6. Play an Instrument.
7. Tolerate Ignorance AND Poverty.

Seven Maybe(s)

Wanna dos
1. New Work
2. Ride Horses.
3. Run a Marathone (Again).
4. Visit White Desert.
5. See Bab Al Shams. ( Reads do Some thing about my Passion for the Movies)
6. Read More...Write More...
7. Learn to fly (Any thing including Parasailing)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Dare to Dream

In one of my goal searching/setting sessions I was faced with this:
If you knew beyond the shadow of the doubt that it will become true,
somehow I came out with this tough one:

Influnce Humanity to live justly in prosperity, including the lead for godly people.

Now this sounds very optimistic and "larger than life" statment let alone a human goal. I guess the idea is to eventually induce "realistic goals". I still do not recall the moment of inspiration that made me write so. Dare to Dream.

Keys to Success.

I Guess that with Keys we can open Roads in our life that is hopfully full of life, love, passion, and satisfaction. Keys to the path of the heart.

Key to Success

Think deeply,[yet Softly*]
Speack gently,[yet sincerely]*

Love Much
Laugh often

Give freely
Work hard

Pay promptly
Pray earnestly

and be kind.

Nobel O. Sullivan

*(i think)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Random Things.

First tagged by loulou to do 5 and being in the right hand coulmn of Tadry who did 20. I 've done 10.
EgyptianSally was able to complete "100 Things About Me" on her june 4 post. Ammazing stamina

Hera are my 10 - No particular order or importance.

one- I talk like an American & I 'm.
two- Love the Movies & the sense of cinema.
three- Lingustics Awareness is very important & I like Noam chmsky.
four- I seek Independence in poltics, work, love, and life.
five- I respect the degree of disorder in nature without giving up trying to understand it's patterns even when not constant.
six- Love Horses, Horses names, horses tales, horsemen life Nomadic as well as civilized.
seven- The fact that big brother is always snooping is a bothersome, but what the heck one got to live & blog.
eight- Propably older than most of the bloggers you tagged.
nine- I write my goals & try to revisit everyonce in a while.
ten- Love the African Drums of Passion...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Walking Swiftly - True Men.

Some years Ago when I wanted to learn more about Robert Bly, I've picked up the "Walking Swiftly" which is a tribute to Robert Bly in his 65th years Birthday.
His Lifelong friends are poets, dancers, reciters, writers, Story tellers, and Drummers. I still did not finish "Walking Swiftly". Everynow & then I read a friend or two of Robert Bly (RB) talking about his walks of life. Wonderfull stuff. Mostly about men. But also about selected Women who understood men.

Few years earlier I 've listened on the radio to the readings by RB of selected Poetry. His voice was also very swift. His topics were very crisp. Despite it was mostly about ancients myths. A great Story teller. A natural leader without a doubt.
When he talked about Fathers - Sons relationships, he was a master. He is a contemporary prophet of a sort. Civil initiation of the youngster men is a serious business, he teaches. The great thing is that his messages are universal for all city people in the world, I mean young city people. His sources of wisdom are also universal and from all the 5 continents and rely on all kinds of religions and rituals.

RB could be the founder and the godfather of men movement in North America and the World. In Iron John, he gets the beast out of you (men) in a very civic yet wildly passionate way. He dove very well in the soul of the father-son relationship and extends it beautifully to the God/King/Father/Son and gives an interesting religious and political perspectives. I've much enjoyed the Audiotapes for Iron John.

Recently Bly has embraced the ghazal ,from the Arabic & Islamic world, as both an art form and political statement.

The best reflection I've recently read that was a fresh reminder was by this Film Maker Which I hope one day would make Iron John into an epic & I would love to help in making the movie do any thing almost any thing at all.
Below is what Sylvain is telling Sapastian Man to Man about Robert Bly.


"I tell him that Bly has charted Masculine Mythology; something which, for the most part, has been delicately excised from a young’s man’s education in a Society suddenly obsessed with Female Orgasmic Rights. Men have few useful philosophical life-rafts, in a place where women raise them, and fathers disappear at sea.
Fathers – derided for their pleasure, infantilized for their passions.
I know that, once a child, I grew up seeing the World through the eyes and needs of my Mother – this wasn’t much help, and I had to spend much of my adult life unlearning and reprogramming what amounted to counter-intuitive coping mechanisms.
A woman’s compass is useless to a man.
In our bones, we are hunters, gatherers, warriors.
We rest on fraternity for our survival.
Loyalty is our temple.
We do not know what awaits us when we return to the Cave.
If we die fighting to feed our young, their DNA will carry our Souls into a distant future, through which Nature, the Matrix, carves out a Time Traveler, selectively – a Specimen of Perfection, chiseled through the pain of time, through the crushing of defeat. The Survival of the fittest is man’s only destiny.
A female human has successfully mated with Sebastian. Many moons ago, she captured his seed, and cocooned his young, into our DNA chain.
Her work done, she has left the Cave -- Withdrew her love -- a bee, retracting its stinger.
Sebastian has no compass. He is lost at sea. He needs his warrior soul.
Who failed to teach him War?
Who suckled him into such weakness, that the bosom of life became his only wand?
Who has lulled him into this false security?
Who has rendered our fathers tired, and weak, so they can no longer forge our Swords?
Who gains from our slumber?
Deep at the bottom of the lake, where he has sunk, Man fights for his life.
In the depths of his nightmare, Iron John gives him fire and gold, his treasure.
Men have a Story.
Men have a Star, to guide them, back to the light. "

To Sylvain and Men I say No Nukes are necessaries for men to see the White Light in whichever half life. Fire & Gold are enough.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ramadhan Kareem

To All ...