First Blog Three years later, and still want to fly
Three Month ago.Almost three. Wanted to see the Kite Runner, but missed it. I had to fly. Home bound and away from home. I wanted to write then. About the Kite Runner. OR rather about the need to fly. A soul fly. Wanted to blog, or to virtually do another thought fly. I procrastenated. Today is the third anniversary for this Bab Al Shams First Blog. Ironic is the thought of flying toward the sun and your wings could melt away and fall, better to think that your whole would melt to a different being.That could fly and travel and transsend across beyond even the coldness of space only to approach another grander star. I would still call it "Bab Al Shams". Loyal to the orginal inspiration, I guess. Which brings me to the realities, and the naievties of the orginal first blog. I shall wrrrrrrite still. I may re-write with great retreaves of some wonderfull joys of flying throug the Blogospheres.
I shall write about the "Kite Runner", about why you & I write, about Haal, Tadrey, old friends and Sweet loyalLou, Mahmoud Darwich, about the Seven'th Art, and about Khayalat Fingan Al K ahwa.....
I shall write. You may or may NOT read. I shall re-read and visit and I shall write...